Falls on the First day of the month of Tishrei, this is around the September/October time in the Western calender. It is the time of the fall harvest, grapes pomegranates, fruit etc. Yom Teruah in Hebrew, means literally "day of shouting/raising a noise" although there are a few other names for this feast, all with significant meanings. This is the one feast that NO one knows the day, or time on which it will fall or for the rightful name it is "Yom HaKeseh" which means "The Hidden Day". It is all dependent on when the New Moon is sighted, remember this is a Lunar calendar not our laid out years in advance Gregorian calendar. When the New Moon is sighted, we are required to have two witnesses who can testify to the sighting and it is verified by the High Priest in Jerusalem, then and only then is The blowing of the trumpet ordered for the start of the New Month and the Feast of Trumpets. This feast is a Holy day, whatever day of the week it falls on it is now a High Holy day. Those who are in the fields harvesting at this time of year, stop, those who are working, stop if you are Jewish then this is the sound to tell you the Feast has started and it is a Holy day. So if two people were out in the field harvesting, one a Jew and one not, the Jew would get up and leave, leaving the other person behind. If two people are serving on a market stall or in a shop, one a Jew and one not, the Jewish person stops what they are doing and goes home. If two men are out walking, one a Jew and one not, the Jew will stop and immediately head for home, no need to ask questions, it happens every year, but no one knows when the New Moon will be sighted, so the day itself cannot be known.
Sound familiar. I have heard this most of my life in the gentile church you could be left behind at any moment. Let me take you back to the mid 1970's and ask you to listen to what was back then a very popular christian song by Larry Norman. I know people who have given their lives to Jesus just because of this song, it was used to scare people into a response, although I should say that was not the intention, that was simply what was believed back then. Preachers back in those days had the same understanding as the song, some very fiery preachers got quite well known for preaching the "turn or burn" style sermons. The snippet right at the end of the video is not unusual, I have sat in many a meeting that was along those veins. That was how the Bible verses were translated back in those days, no gentile seemed to know about the Feasts of the Lord, that was Old Testament stuff and not applicable to us in the church. I know many christians who were scared witless by some sermons and "Left behind" films of those days. Now let me also say that I am not saying that this is not how the rapture will take place, but with an understanding of the feast of the Lord we get a very different insight into the text in the Bible referring to the events of the Revelation.
So let us have a little closer look into this Feast and see what we can find. As we know this is the Feast of Trumpets, the trumpet in Jerusalem especially for Temple ceremonies and Holy days is the Rams Horn or Shofar to give it, it's rightful name. Not a shiny brass trumpet we know today in the orchestra but a actual ram's horn which can vary in length and style of finish. Similar to the modern bugle, there are no pitch altering valves,all the pitch control is done by the player's embouchure. The Shofar is always blown in the synagogue during the Yom Teruah service and again at the end of Yom Kippur, you would also hear the shofar blown every weekday morning for the month of Elul which has just led us up to the month of Tishrei. Hearing the shofar blown is a reminder for us to look inward and repent for the sins of the past year. Maimonides(1135-1204) gives the meaning for the blowing of the shofar like this "Rouse ye, rouse ye from your slumber; awake, awake from your sleep, you who mind vanity, for slumber most heavy has fallen upon you. Take it to heart, before whom you are to give an account in the judgment." Many Bible scholars, particularly Messianic scholars believe that the Feast of Trumpets refers prophetically to the end times and the second coming of Jesus. So as you are about to find out this is not just a 1 or 2 day feast, keep on reading.
On the Hebrew calendar this day is known as the first day of the New Year so you can say "Shana Tov" or Happy new year, it is believed that Genesis 1:1 happened on this day. It signifies the end of the summer harvest, during the ministry of Jesus, He sent his disciples out into the harvest fields for the summer in pairs to prepare the way for his coming, this would have been the time they all came and reported back. The work is finished and the harvest is all gathered in, be that the literal harvest of grain and fruit or the harvest of souls, this day signifies the end of all that.
The feast is also known as "Chevlai shel Mashiach" the time of Jacobs Trouble, denoting the tribulation.
It is also known as "Ha Kiddushin" which means "Wedding Ceremony" but more importantly for the Jews "The Wedding of the Messiah". Look at the parable of the 10 virgins, 5 were wise and waiting, 5 were foolish and not ready. Who were they waiting for? The bride groom, Jesus, coming for His bride. 5 were taken into the feast and 5 were left outside.
Yet another name for the feast is "Ha Melech" the meaning is "Coronation of Kings" which refers to "The Crowning of the Messiah".
The day also has the name of "Yom HaDin" meaning "The day of Judgment" or the opening of the books and the opening of the gates.
Do you think that all these names for this one feast are giving you a clue about what we can expect to happen on this day. Look at the Spring Feats of the Lord, each of them has been fulfilled by Jesus, on the exact day, at the exact time and down to the minutest of detail, there is no reason to believe that the Fall Feasts of the Lord will be any different.
During the Feast the shofar is blown 100 times and there are 3 different sounds blown. The first is "Tekiah" a long straight blast. The second is called "Shevarim" which is three short blasts. and then there ie "Teruah" which is 9 quick blasts. They blow these 3 sounds 3 times so that is 9 in total, They blow this series 11 times which makes 99 blasts. The 100th blast is known as " Shofar Ha Gadol or The Last Trump" so when we read in 1 Corinthians 15: 51 "we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed...". Then in 1 Theselonians 4: again we read about the Last Trump when talking about the rapture.
During the synagogue service orthodox Jews will read from an orthodox machzor or Prayer Book. The following prayer that they recite has a shofar blast at the start and at the end.
“May it be Your will that the sounding of the shofar, which we have done, will be embroidered in the veil by the appointed angel, as You accepted it by Elijah, of blessed memory and by Yeshua, the Prince of the Face (Face of Hashem) (Prince of God’s Presence) and the one who sits on God’s throne. May You be filled with compassion toward us. Deserving of praise are You, LORD of compassion.” --- S. Birnbaum, Behind The Curtain
The prayer names the Kohen Gadol (The High Priest) as Yeshua (Hebrew name of Jesus) who is the One who atones for our sins. Most orthodox Jewish rabbis will insist that the Yeshua mentioned here has nothing to do with the Yeshua we know as Jesus. Yeshua in Hebrew literally means "salvation"
One of the reasons the orthodox Jews reject Jesus as being the messiah is that in their opinion God would never require or accept a human sacrifice. But saying that they have no problem with God asking Abraham to sacrifice Isaac his only son.
From this feast up to Yom Kippur in 10 days time there is particular emphasis on the binding of Isaac. The Jews believe that Abraham actually bound Isaac for the sacrifice on this day. Each day they read Genesis 22:1 -19 and in some synagogues they will read this portion every weekday of the year. The shofar reminds them of the ram that was caught in the thorns by its horns as a replacement for Issac.
From some of the ancient writings they say that God sees Isaac as actually being sacrificed and was brought back to life by the voice of the Angel of the Lord. Remember that Isaac was a promised and miracle child, Abraham was far to old to have children and Sarah was supposedly baron. Now also know that this altar was on Mount Moriah, do you know where this is? Mount Moriah is the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Compare then Isaac with Jesus, they are both sons of a promise foretold by an angel, their arrival was heralded by angels, both were a miraculous birth, through both men the whole world is blessed both were beloved by their fathers, they are only sons, both were blameless, both had to carry the wood of the sacrifice on their shoulders, neither deserved to die. Both were brought to the mount for their sacrifice, both went willingly without saying a word in their defense and both lived. If we add in the Jewish Orthodox idea that Isaac died and was resurrected, then the comparison is even more amazing. Coincidence, or has God placed another clue to the identity of the Messiah hidden in plain sight.
The following ten days are called the "days of awe" and in the Jewish community are seen as a time for inward searching of their hearts for misdeeds and transgressions. They are days of repentance, a time to search out anything that is not right, any sin that needs to be forgiven, a time to prepare for the marriage supper of the Lamb and the coming Day of Judgment.